
Other blog.

I thought you might like to know that the Bishop of my office, Bp. George Packard, is now on the blogging bandwagon, and has asked me to blog for him. I am one of two contributors to a blog for diocesan chaplains, and you can find it here.

I work at a really great place.


Le Rire de la Medusa

Can I just say how glad I am to be back in grad school? The last time I had this much fun with my brain was when I was dating that tragically unsorted boy and we went to queer theory reading group, and I got to start thinking about discursive creation of bodies, about norms materializing human beings, and about how series of acts create (not develop out of) naturalization. Super, super fun, and now I get to interpret that theologically.

I am starting to do thinking and talking around how to organize the gender conversation at Union. I am starting to reread Butler and bits of the French feminists. They are HILARIOUS. Not always useful, but completely, adorably insane. (How can you not love someone who wrote a book called "The Speculum of the Other Woman"?) I mean, there's an awful lack of any whisper of postmodernity on this campus (OMG, it's SO overwhelmed with "good" white "liberal" "mainline" Protestants chugging away at this doomed and glib and facile modernist happy "progress"-centric project. Ack!). So I feel like I'm starting from scratch. But who loves a challenge? Me!

The revolution is pending. Union is stuck in a place where it's not even willing to cede the aims of the second wave. And the second wave was racist and classist and all kinds of problematic, but Union isn't even there yet. It's slightly horrifying. But one of my profs has promised me space, and I just heard about someone's thesis about Paul's queering of gender dynamics in the early Jesus movement. It's a start.