
Really good news.

I got my Hebrew final back! I got a 100+5! I got my evaluation! I got a Credit with Distinction! (Which is the only way, in the Union Credit/Marginal Credit/Fail system, that one can earn honors). She says she's excited to have me back next semester! Yay!

Also, I passed my Pass/Fail Old Testament contents course. We had the final yesterday, and it was H.A.R.D. There was much murmuring among the Israelites. But I did well on it, according to my prof.

Also, you should all read this. It's about turtles, God's Best Animals: Turtles in the Time of Love and Turtle Cholera. They don't age! They love ice cream! They can be reallllly little or reallllly big. God is great.

1 comment:

Schadamswini said...

I imagine that, like me, all your other readers are shocked, SHOCKED, that you did so well on your tests. But good job, even if it isn't a surprise.

Speaking of turtles, one time, in Mexico, I saw a turtle under a rock. It was cool.